Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Christmas Come Early

Christmas seems to start earlier and earlier every year. I was in several department stores over this past weekend, and the stores were already playing Christmas music! And, stores begin to bring out their Christmas decorations even before Halloween! I know that I'm guilty of saying, "I can't believe they've already got their Christmas stuff out!" or "Why do they bring the Christmas decorations out so early? It's not even Halloween yet!" But, as I was walking through Barnes and Noble this weekend, listening to some Christmas tunes, I was struck with a thought. Why not celebrate Christmas early? What better cause for celebration than the birthday of Jesus?! We (I) should celebrate Jesus' birth and God's ultimate gift to us ALL year long, so if stores want to pull out Christmas trees and play Christmas songs before Halloween, I'm all for it! Of course, many public places want Christmas to be completely secular and take away any faith-based aspect of it, but we, children of the King, know that that's simply not possible. THE reason we celebrate Christmas is Christ. So, next time you see stores pulling out their Christmas decorations in October, or hear Christmas songs being played before you've carved your jack-0-lantern, let it be a reminder of why we celebrate Christmas, and be thankful for the most incredible Gift we could ever ask for!

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